We get it, there’s a lot of noise when it comes to digital wine marketing and what content leads to more sales. Social media, newsletters, wine magazines, the works. In this post, we are going to speak specifically to how you can use winery commercial video marketing to boost wine sales.

Many wineries we’ve spoken with have rested on their laurels and have never needed to “do this marketing thing” in the past. However, they always want to increase wine sales or at the least, maintain their success. With the large number of wines on shelves or various tasting rooms around the corner, how do wineries even begin to set themselves apart? What’s the difference between this wine and that wine and how do you let new customers know it’s worth a shot to visit without the accolades?

To answer that question, let’s ask another question. How do you hear about anything else? Yes word of mouth, but even that can be limiting. It can be difficult to scale. Perhaps we can try doing this marketing thing.

It’s difficult to know what will work and what will actually compel someone to visit the tasting room. Once we commit to marketing, then a whole round of other questions begin to be asked. What do wine consumers want to read? What do they want to see? What will move the needle and get them to visit the tasting room more often and at the end of the day, purchase more wine.

In this post, we are going to learn:

  • Why and how winery commercial video marketing can lead to more wine sales and club memberships for your tasting room or vineyard.
  • How you can build awareness around what makes you, you, why it’s important and how we’ve found that the best way to share your story and what makes your winery unique, is through video.
winery video shot in frame

Why winery commercial video productions?

If you are not utilizing video with your winery, why start now? Not everyone invests in video productions in their marketing efforts and we can all agree, this does not happen much in the wine industry.

According to Hubspot’s most recent study on marketers who use video,

Perhaps most strikingly, 88% of video marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI — a 5% increase on last years figure, and a world away from the lowly 33% who felt that way in 2015

– Hubspot

It looks like video marketing is working, and it’s working really well. With a lot of wine drinkers spending their time on social media or browsing online, video is proving to be one of the biggest needle movers when it comes to building awareness through their marketing channels. We understand it’s tough to try something new and something we don’t know for sure whether it will work or not, but that’s exactly why you should start. Because there are only a select few wineries who are beginning to take advantage of telling their unique story through video productions.

What You Can Do Today:

According to Wine Enthusiast, “Wineries have beefed up efforts to connect with customers in new ways in order to increase direct-to-consumer sales outside of winery visits. This includes … virtual tastings and no-contact local delivery.”2 Commercial video marketing can be a great way to bring the tasting room right to wine tasters fingertips so they can experience what it’s like to taste with you before they visit or make their next purchase.

full winery tasting room

Where to start with winery videos

Get to know your wine buying audience.

Getting to know your audience is the first thing you need to do before you produce any content. That’s right, before pictures, videos, or catchy headlines, it’s important to define who your wine buyers are.

Does this sound familiar? “We know exactly who our buyers are. It’s anyone who drinks wine.” Or. “It’s the older crowd.” Unfortunately, that’s not what we mean by getting to know your audience.

As Hubspot puts it,

Targeting a specific audience will help your campaigns reach the correct people who will relate most to your company’s message and products.

– Hubspot

When defining your audience, it is important to understand their buying behaviors, their buyer’s journey. Only then can you begin to see exactly what your ideal buyer persona looks like and what they’re interested in.

For instance, can you see the difference between what a buyer for a Honda Civic or a Porsche Turbo looks like? Can you see a difference in the marketing message and how they’re advertised to? The “anyone who buys cars” logic can be quickly challenged as a potential buyer for a Honda Civic and a potential buyer for Porsche look very different. Not only with regards to budget, but each buyer has different lifestyles, different areas they hangout, the list goes on.

It’s important to note that one car company is not “better” than the other. Both are extremely successful. One’s marketing is not better or worse than the other, both companies sell a lot of cars! However, the type of content and how that content is served is simply different. It’s targeted toward a specific audience type. So for you, whether you sell your wine for $5 a bottle, or $1,000 a bottle, understand your buyer audience and learn more about what type of content they consume and what they’ll engage with on the big screen; or Youtube or the website.

bags of purchased wine

How can commercial video productions impact your wine sales?

Good question! Let’s start here: Why do multimillion dollar companies still invest in video marketing? Once again, it affects their sales. Marketing and sales alignment can be one of the biggest problems in the industry because one hand is not talking to the other. There’s a disconnect. That’s why it’s extremely important that the first thing you do, before you invest in any marketing, is figure out exactly what the problem is that you’re trying to fix. If you want to increase wine sales, find out why exactly your sales are not where you want them to be. Where’s the disconnect within your own team and ask yourself how marketing could potentially help. Then ask yourself, how much more wine sales do I want?

Once you are able to establish measurable goals, you can then begin to tackle how you want video marketing to play a role in that. As we saw above, an overwhelming percentage of marketers saw a positive ROI with video being implemented into their marketing efforts. If not a lot of people know about your story, how you came to be or why you started in the first place, share it through video. Make it personal. If you have a number of wine releases scheduled, let people know why they should taste them, why they should buy. Make it easy for people to consume the reasons why you do what you do and they’ll respond. They’ll buy more wine.

winery client reviewing video checklist

What should you look for to make sure your winery commercial video production’s done right?

As with everything, there’s reservations about not making the right decision about how to approach your video marketing. It’s new. So the first thing you will want to do is find a partner who understands your goals, both for the business and marketing, so the right foundation for the video can be put in place. Doing winery video marketing for the sake of doing video marketing is never a good approach. A lot of video production agencies after just one phone call, suggest a price, bring a drone, and show up to do that video production thing.

It’s important to slow down the conversation and find a video production partner you can trust to not just perform high quality video work, but a partner who makes sure that your needs are met and that your vision is understood. You also want to make sure that in addition to fitting into your overall business goals, the video is going to be created to move people. To get them to engage with the content and have them feel compelled to ultimately engage with your winery. Because that’s why we all started this winery business in the first place right? To build relationships and share a glass with a friend or two.

In Summary:

  • Video marketing works. 88% of marketers who utilize video in their marketing report a positive ROI.
  • Establish your target audience before investing in commercial video productions for the best results.
  • Set realistic goals for your winery video marketing so you can measure effectiveness.
  • Create a winery video marketing strategy prior to production. This ensures that your video is going to help solve exactly what you need it to do.

If you want to learn more about how you can boost wine sales through winery commercial video productions, let us know and we would be happy to help answer any questions you might have.

1 Hayes, Adam. “The State of Video Marketing in 2020 [New Data].” HubSpot, 23 Dec. 2019, blog.hubspot.com/marketing/state-of-video-marketing-new-data.

2 Boone, Virginie, et al. “The California Wine Industry Adjusts to the New Not-Normal.” Wine Enthusiast, 25 Mar. 2020, www.winemag.com/2020/03/25/california-wine-coronavirus/.

3 Carmicheal, Kayla. “How to Find Your Target Audience.” HubSpot, 21 Jan. 2020, blog.hubspot.com/marketing/target-audience.

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